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We believe everyone deserves to live life feeling their healthiest. That's why we value giving you the best kombucha making it easier for you to embody your most optimal state of being.


Here's the scoop on how we attempt to conjure up what we hope might just pass as Singapore's finest handcrafted booch...

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SO, HOw dO wE GO AbOUT CreatinG thE bESt kombUCHA?

Simple! By using organic fresh ingredients and brewing it lovingly in small batches.


In fact, we would like to be fair to nature and make sure we're not claiming all the credit. We let the innate intelligence of nature organically work it's magic and we're just there to facilitate the process and offer nurture where needed.


We have found that the highest-quality batches are a result of minimal human interference. Which means a large part of our work is just observing in awe.

WhAt mAkeS OUr kombUChA diffErent from OthEr COmmErciAl brewErs?


Batch Brewed 

Every batch is intentionally brewed in small 5 litres jars to allow the SCOBY to ferment the brew more evenly which results in a higher quality kombucha.

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Hidden in the culture of our kombucha are live probiotics that are pros at bringing peace to the planes of your digestive tract, putting you in a good mood, and amplifying your energy.


In fact, we’ve got a secret to tell you… your gut knows more than you think! It’s actually considered your second brain by scientists - which is why you can link many of your biggest life choices with a feeling you had in the pit of your stomach at the time.


Your gut thrives off of the good bacteria found in kombucha. It keeps it in the kind of condition that gives you the clarity, creativity, and energy to be your best self! And in turn, our earth thrives off of you being your best self because you have the motivation to make mindful choices that are in harmony with nature.

Instead of creating chaos through unsustainable and insatiable lifestyles that erode our beautiful earth, our presence should bring balance, peace, and vitality to our environment.

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